Have you been hearing the birds singing in fine tune?
Well it’s nearing the time of year when they find a mate, and what better time than to provide them with their first marital home!
14th February marks the start of National Nest Box Week which is now an established part of the ornithological calendar. Celebrated from February 14th each year, it puts the spotlight on breeding birds and asks everyone to put up more nest boxes in their local area.
Join in this great initiative and put a box up! Order from us online or over the phone this weekend and receive 15% off our range of nest boxes.
Love is in the Air…. It certainly is when we watch our birds!
Show the birds some love with our sunflower hearts – top of the list for nutritional value and one of the most popular seeds in the garden, these oil rich seeds are a favourite of our feathered friends and will attract a wide variety to your garden. Your birds will LOVE them! And your garden will fill with finches, tits and an array of beautiful birds, queuing up for this fantastic feed.
Need a Valentine gift… We have great gifts for Nature Lovers
Our heart shaped bowls are the perfect gift for Valentines day, a fun treat for your loved one and the birds in their garden!
These great feeding dishes are perfect for feeding our hedgehog food, or Robin & Friends mix. They also make a great birdbath. The bowls are frost proof and dishwasher proof – making cleaning very easy! They also come in a lovely gift box – the perfect present.