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Eyebrook sunflower hearts, here’s 4 reasons to feed these scrumptious seeds!

Feed sunflower hearts to give the birds the best nutritional boost this winter,

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Give your garden birds a treat today by feeding Eyebrook’s Sunflower Hearts


Why feed sunflower hearts?

1/ Nutritional Value.  Hearts are highly nutritious, rich in oil and protein and full of energy, essential to keep the birds going through the cold winter months.  All our hearts are bakery grade – only the best for our birds!

2/ No mess.  The sunflower hearty is the kernel of a black sunflower seed.  With the black husk removed the seed is ready to eat, and there is no feeding mess, the seeds themselves are so popular everything on the feeder or under it gets eaten up!  As the shell is removed the seed will not grow, therefore this feed is a favourite of gardeners trying to keep their lawn weed free.

3/ Great Value.  With such high nutrition and no waste, sunflower hearts are a great value feed, especially for the reward of the beautiful birds which will be attracted to your garden.

And the best reason….

Well the best reason is the birds LOVE them!  You garden will fill with finches, tits and an array of beautiful birds, queuing up for this fantastic feed.  The BTO and bird experts endorse feeding all year round, and have proved the provision of supplementary food improves overwinter survival of birds.  Lets provide them with the best food we can offer.

Which Feeder?

This delicious food source can be fed from a feeder, on the bird table or on the ground.  The best form of feeder for our sunflower hears is a simple tube seed feeder.  They are easy to fill and clean, and once filled with delicious hearts will attract the most birds to feed from them.  Visit our feeder pages for a range of seed feeders, squirrel proof feeders and ground feeders, all of which are suitable for feeding our scrumptious sunflower hearts!

CLICK HERE to buy our delicious Eyebrook Sunflower Hearts!



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