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World Bee Day!

Support our bees on World Bee Day

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World Bee Day takes place on 20th of May each year, and its aim is to spread awareness of the significance of bees.

We can all do more to help and protect these special insects, the key is providing food and habitat for our pollinators.  Make your garden bee friendly by planting our wildflower seed mixes and popping in a bee house for your visitors.  To help the bees we have 10% off bee houses and wildflowers this weekend!

You can also help bees by encouraging your local council to plant wildflower areas and leave grass verges to allow wildflowers to bloom.

May is a busy time for beekeepers who are tending their bees and watching them progress into strong colonies and often bringing in a spring honey crop depending on the weather and forage available.

Here at Rectory Farm we have an abundance of pollen to keep the bees going all season.  From our glorious hawthorn and blackthorn hedgerows which go on for miles and miles….. to our wildflower strips, farmland crops and beautiful trees.

By observing World Bee Day each year, we can all raise awareness on the essential role bees and other pollinators play in keeping people and the planet healthy, and on the many challenges they face today.



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