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Big Schools Bird Watch

Free feeder and bag of seed for schools taking part!

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This month we also have the Big Schools Birdwatch running from now until  21st February.  This is a fantastic way to get school children across the country out in the fresh air and interested in nature and provides a great record of how bird populations are doing over the UK.  Since the launch of the Big Schools Birdwatch over one million school children have taken part in watching, feeding and creating habitats for the birds at their schools.

Eyebrook Bird Feeds are proud to support such a great initiative to get children closer to nature. To encourage schools to get involved, we are offering a free bag of bird seed and feeder to help get schools started! The count runs from now until the 21st February, if your school would like to take advantage of our offer simply contact us at the farm

For more information on the Big Schools Birdwatch and to download resources visit https://www.rspb.org.uk/fun-and-learning/for-teachers/schools-wild-challenge/activities/big-schools-birdwatch/


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